Time is getting short. What’s important to you right now, really?
As I have grown up, raised children and set them off in the world, what I have noticed is that we often hear things like: “….you know I think I don’t care for this or that any more…..maybe my tastes have changed or something…..” So what are we all out here stressing about.
I have said this before and I will continue to state this until someone out there says: “….yep…..I have heard that too and I stopped killing myself trying to do everything……”
So this year, I learned that I no longer have to make certain things that I thought have to be on the table.
I learned, I no longer have to have every treat that I think they “might” enjoy.
I learned, that they are all growing up and moving on to new traditions and that I really like it.
What have you learned?