4 Days Until 2011

Today let’s look at the “whole picture” of what lies just out there four days from now.

Instead of making the usual “New Year’s Resolutions”, how would you like to look at this whole idea in a different manner with a new pair of 2011 glasses?

As you clean up after your marathon merry making, pack away those treasured decorations and plan you own celebration of the New Year think about this questions:   What is the most important area of my life?

Here’s a list that may be helpful:



Giving Back






Professional Life


Growth Opportunities


Did you notice there are 12 areas of life?

Write each area of life on a “stickie-type” of paper and arrange them in the order that make sense to you.   You will know which one is first and which ones come next and what is last.  Now when does this next year present you will the best opportunity to focus on one of these 12?  You might want to put that “stickie-note” on that calendar month of the year and focus on that area of life in that month and that will release you from the stress of not living up to your “New Year’s Resolution” on the topic.   It’s just a suggestion.   But, it does work!

Let’s take “Fun” for instance, as an example of what I am talking about.  How often do you want and need fun in your life?

Are yo a parent — when are the opportunities, vacation, days off, and holidays when you can have :  FUN ?

I encourage all my clients to take their “Birthday” off and to do something that they love!  Have some fun!   You are worth it!

Do your research – look for deals, special offers, plan, save, and put FUN on the  family calendar and in your planner.

I also encourage spontaneous FUN!    A big snow storm and lots of the fluffy white stuff means no work, no school, traffic nightmares, but for you it means FUN!  When was the last time you let your big ego down and rolled up some white balls of FUN and stuck a carrot in the middle of your snowman’s face for a nose?    If you can’t say yesterday; then it’s been too long!

That’s what I’m talking about.  Take each of those 12 areas of life and give them some thought.  Maybe you could stick them on your refrigerator and rearrange them every time you open the frig door.  Put a stickie note on each month of the year and on the first day of that month, think about these questions:

“What do I want to achieve in (that area of life)?”

“What do I want to finish in (that area of life)?”

“What do I want  (that area of life) to look like?”

What do I want (that area of life) to feel like?”

For all of you who are “Results-Oriented” people out there — you may find that some areas of life do not fit into this profile.

Sometimes we are unable to garner the results in the “Fast fashion” we are accustomed to….what then?

I encourage “determined stillness.”  This is a phrase I read from Charles Stanely.

He explains it like this:  “It is a quiet expectant, steadfast, courageous and diligent activity that takes place until we receive further instruction!”

What do you want to ponder now?  4 Days left!

